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  • Welcome to the
    Munich International Choral Society!

    Founded in 1982 as the German-American Choral Society, the Munich International Choral Society has from the beginning stood for international understanding and intercultural exchange, while also being centered on social engagement.

    We are a multicultural mixture of approximately 45 people of different nationalities and various interests - a group that sings together with enjoyment and passion.

    Our repertoire is made up of colorful and distinct international pieces from different epochs and styles. Our concert programs frequently feature choral masterpieces, along with with less well known compositions that are equally worth hearing.

    We especially value continued vocal and musical training. Vocal exercises, intense rehearsal weekends, and work in smaller groups contribute to enhanced tonal flexibility and variety.


    Join our musical journey - MICS' brand new youtube channel

    Discover the wide range of our repertoire and activities:

    Audio example: "Dominus regit me" by Dorothea Hofmann


    facebook YouTube Instagram Sängerkreis München

    Rehearsal Times

    Rehearsal takes place every Monday from 7.30 pm to 9.30 p.m. near Scheidplatz.
    Tenors and basses who would like to sing with MiCS, please contact us at: info@mics-munich.de

    Concerts 2024

    Thursday, December 12, at 7:30 PM
    St. Karl Borromäus, München-Fürstenried, Genfer Platz 4
    Advent concert together with Regenbogenchor and Rainbow Sound Orchestra